Jan 072014

Good afternoon valued customers,

On Friday 1-3-14 we attempted to run a special report for our accounting department. While the report was suppose to be limited to one company, unfortunately multiple companies received numerous emails regarding their customers. We will attempt to avoid any similar occurrence and we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Thank You for your continued business we truly appreciate it.


Jan 032014

CDMA Available for Security Systems

As most of you know there are two predominant technologies governing the cellular world in the United States. GSM which runs AT&T, T-Mobile, Corr Wireless and the large majority of the other cellular companies throughout the country. The other is CDMA which is the technology in Verizon and Sprint phones.

To this point the most cost effective cellular device for alarm transmission has been GSM. Recently Uplink released the CDMA30 and CDMA50 which are the CDMA cousins to the 4530 (primary unit only) and the 4550 (primary or backup with its own power supply and battery backup) GSM units. The equipment costs for these units are about the same as the 45xx versions and the monthly service is the same also. This hopefully will allow cell units to be installed in areas where there is limited GSM service.

But be aware that these units are initially programmed for Sprint service and not for Verizon. Even though they are designed to roam to Verizon when there is insufficient Sprint coverage that may not always be the case. Be sure to check the available cellular service before you mount, wire and leave one of these units. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact someone in our technical department.

Thank you for your business!!

It truly is appreciated!!

Dec 272013

Cellular Equipment – Not Using It? Take It Offline…

As new technology is embraced and grows in usage we begin to discover problems with our procedures that have to be adjusted. One of these adjustments is attached to the growing usage of cellular alarm equipment.

In times past all that was necessary to cancel a cell unit was a phone call to operations to give the order. But problems with that procedure quickly came to the surface and we realized we had to have a paper trail in order to protect us and to protect you, our dealers. Just as you complete, sign and send in an offline form for an account, don’t forget to fill out sign and send in a cellular offline form so we know to discontinue service on active cellular units.

The same rule applies for those occasions where you may have one type of cell service and you activate a unit of a different type to replace the original. As an example…you want to replace an Uplink unit with a Telguard unit. Not only do you need to activate the new unit, you need to send in a Cellular Offline form to deactivate the original unit so that you aren’t paying for two units. Since these types of services require us to pay the manufacturer there is very little that can be done in the way of credit extended days, weeks, or months later when the problem is discovered.

The Cellular Offline Form can be downloaded at.

·         www.centralstationinc.com ,

·         Alarm Dealer Login,

·         Under “Dealer Resources” click on Dealer Forms and Documents and

·         download “cellular service offline form”

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us. Thank you for your continued business…it is truly appreciated!

Dec 262013

To Our Valued Dealers,

            As many of you are already aware of, we have designated Line 81 for Uplink units. This is more than simply a line designator. It is a different receiver configured for IP communication between Uplink and Central Station only utilizing dial up traffic in the event of internet failure.

            Due to the nature of this equipment we cannot allow dial-up of any type to be the primary communication format. It is for this reason the account numbers are issued on a per account basis not in blocks. If for some reason after being issued an account number you do not install the Uplink as intended please do not use this account number for a system utilizing some other transmission method.

            If you have already assigned a Line 81 account to a system other than an Uplink please contact John or Darrell in our Tech Department. Thank you for continuing to be a valued CSI customer, it is truly appreciated.